Counseling services are billed through insurance if the client is on an insurance plan. Co-pays are expected at the time of service unless other arrangements are agreed upon by the therapist and the client.

It is the client’s responsibility to know whether their insurance plan covers mental health or what percentage. If a client is not on an insurance plan then all fees are billed at the time of service.

Soul Integration™ sessions (in person or online)

Get Your Bearings: FREE 30-minute conversation to answer any questions about the soul integration process. Please fill out the form below to get started.

    Trailhead: $150 for a single one-hour session.

    Wilderness: $450 for three one-hour sessions.

    Off the Trail: $800 for six one-hour sessions.

    Climbing the Peak: $1,200 for nine one-hour sessions.

    It is recommended to have more than one session of Soul Integration™ if possible to experience the full benefit of the treatment protocol.

    Past Life Regression (in person only)

    $250 for each 2.5-hour session.

    Soul Integration™


    Past Life Regression
